📍 Chicago
Plot: #1
Motto: My motto is “Mottos are for chumps”
When did you join Fnordland?
Right before the lockdown was about to completely melt my brain
How long have you been playing Minecraft?
Off and on since the beta (more off than on if I’m being perfectly honest)
What is your favorite thing about Fnordland?
The community is friendly and fun
What is your goal for this season?
Honestly, I have no idea what to expect
What is your favorite block?
Dispenser (since it shoots eggs)
What’s your favorite mob?
Chickens, duh
Weapon of choice?
A bow with Infinity on it, because otherwise I will forget to bring arrows
What is your stupidest death?
Probably when I got disoriented while flying in The End and fell into the void
What’s your least favorite mob?
Creepers. I just imagine Notch was like, “Let’s make a game that’s all about building and creativity, but then there’s a creature who comes around and ruins your shit.”
Favorite moment(s) from Season 0
Theme Song:
A man holding pottery falling from a tree